Our hands are exposed to many demands every day. You have to type in a coordinated manner on the keyboard of our computer, carry heavy bags and shopping bags, shake hands or have to stabilize heavy loads in extreme positions during training.

Especially for us strength athletes, our wrists can be a weak point Show when they cannot be used to the full range of motion.

Then suddenly bench press is no longer fun. Bicep curls don’t work. And we don’t even start with the front squat. So in this article we’re looking at:

  • Why we should improve wrist mobility,
  • What a mistake to avoid if you want to improve wrist mobility and
  • 3 exercises with which you can improve the mobility of the wrists.

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why-we-should-improve-the-mobility of the wrists

Our wrists are very flexible joints. As one of the few joints, they have the ability to be moved in all directions – in some more, in others less.

In order to stay healthy and pain-free in the long term, our wrists should have mobility in all Also allow directions . Unfortunately, one-sided stress and strain often lead to pain.

Many of us work at the computer with our wrist folded down. Others may crossfit and often find themselves in the clean position. Others may do calisthenics and use their wrists more than they allow.

We then feel the consequences:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome,
  • Tendonitis ,
  • overloaded joint capsule.

So that we can make long-term progress and reach our sporting goals, we MUST stay injury-free. To get rid of wrist pain, we HAVE to be able to control our wrists in all directions.

That makes sense intuitively. And maybe you’re already concentrating on the mobility of your wrists. Are you making this mistake then?

Avoid this mistake if you-have-the-mobility of the Want to improve wrists

Many begin to want to improve the mobility of their wrists when they develop problems or get stuck with an exercise.

To learn a planche, for example , we need flexible wrists. That is an extreme example. Problems can also arise with push-ups or handstands. Then often exactly the required position is trained , stretched and exercises are sought in order to achieve the required requirement.

In the rarest cases do we solve the problem with it or achieve our goal. Because if our central nervous system classified the position as safe and stable, the mobility would allow it, wouldn’t it?

Stabilität & Beweglichkeit der Handgelenke verbessern

But it doesn’t.

In order to be able to improve the mobility of the wrists, we have to rethink. We have to move the wrist in all dimensions. In addition, we have to make sure that all muscles that act on the wrist are strong enough to be able to stabilize the wrist in extreme positions.

This is the only way to become painless in the long term stay and make progress.

Exercises for flexible-wrists

In order to mobilize the wrists in all dimensions, you will find below a selection of exercises that have proven to be particularly effective in practice. We will then discuss how you can best integrate them into your training.

Exercise # 1: Mobilizing the wrist flexors on the floor

Many people are familiar with this exercise and is often used. It is used to mobilize the flexors of the wrists.

It helps, for example, to improve the Front Rack Position or to improve the mobility of the wrists when you are learning a planche would like.

However, this exercise is often only carried out statically . However, we are bringing a dynamic component into play.

Get on your knees for this. Place your palms on the floor with your fingers facing you so that you feel a stretch in your forearms. First hold the position for 20 seconds.

Then move your upper body back and forth so that the stretch intensifies and subsides. Oscillate in this way for about 30 seconds.

Exercise # 2: Mobilization of the wrist extensors on the floor

Not only the flexors but also the extensors have to be mobilized in order to be able to improve the mobility of the wrists.

With the following exercise we therefore mobilize another important aspect of the wrists. This exercise is particularly suitable for people who work a lot on the computer . Because it also brings a slight traction, i.e. tension on the wrist and opens the joint capsule.

Get back on your knees to do this. One hand is supported on the floor. Place the other hand on the floor with the back of your hand so your fingers are pointing to the side. Then rotate your wrist in a semicircle. Only apply as much pressure on the wrist as you feel comfortable!

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You will feel a slight pull in the wrist and a gentle mobilization in the back of the forearm. Do 10 repetitions on each side.

Exercise # 3: Controlled joint rotation of the hands

Our joints want to be moved. To the greatest possible extent that is possible painlessly. Every day. Use it or lose it .

One of the best methods to improve the mobility of the wrists are so-called CARs . CARs stands for controlled articular rotations . In German : Controlled joint rotations.

To do this, simply stand and rotate your wrists slowly and in a controlled manner. Slow and controlled because so many mechanoreceptors are being stimulated and we are giving a strong input to the brain.

We actually learn to control our wrists as much as possible. That’s important!

We always somehow get our joints in extreme positions. But can we stabilize the position? That is seldom the case.

CARs help us to eradicate precisely this weak point. To do this, rotate your wrists 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.

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